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Join us at 10am on every Sunday.


KICC services usually last around 90 minutes.


Adults and children begin in the service together. Children ages 1-12 will be invited to KidZone halfway in the service. There is also a Crèche (nursery) available for children ages 2 and under. Children are welcome to remain in the service with their parents.

We celebrate communion the first Sunday of each month.

Our musical style is blended and varies from week to week.

People dress casually and comfortably. Please come as you are, we look forward to seeing you.

Sermon Archive

Catch up or keep up with our sermon series while you're at home or out of town. 


Get plugged into KICC various programs. â€‹

Praying Together

Community Groups 

Get to know God and get connected through KICC Community Groups. 


Fill out the form below and a member of our team will help you get connected 

Image by Yomex Owo

Get Involved

Use your unique giftings and volunteer with a service group. 


Fill out the quick form and one of our team will get back to you!

Image by Rajesh Rajput

Equipping Displaced Communities

The EDC takes care of the refugee community in Kathmandu. 


Help be the hands and feet of Christ and get involved with EDC

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